Monday, July 8, 2013

10 Lessons From A Dying Man

Life lessons by Denis Wright:
1. Don't spend your life in a job you hate. Life is too short to live it only in the evening and at weekends.

2. If there's something bad happening in your life you genuinely have no control over, learn all you can about it and how to live with it. Beating your head against a brick wall is unproductive.

3. If you think you can change it, then go all out to do so. Try to understand its nature and work with it where you can.

4. There are no 'good' and 'bad' decisions. If you made what you think might have been a poor choice in life, learn from it, and you might make a better one next time. You don't know what's going to turn out good or bad in the long run, so regrets are a waste of time.

5. Don't agonise about the past, in the sense that you can't change it. Live in the slice of time that's the now. You can't live in the moment; it's too short. The slice is richer. It contains a little of past, present and future.

6. Apologise as soon as you can when you think you've hurt someone. Don't try to pretend you're perfect. Accept responsibility where it's due.

7. Keep your options open for as long as possible. Don't close them unnecessarily.

8. Try to keep your sense of humour if you can, though it's not always possible.

9. Carpe Diem ... Or, for a change, seize the day!

10. Do not be afraid of death. "If you're not more afraid of your own death than you need to be, then you need have little fear for anything life can hand out." 

Death means possessing no life. Life means not being dead. 

Unfortunately for Dennis Wright, he thinks all we are born for is to die. Dennis Wright thinks life ends, whereas by definition life does not end. Life is eternal. What this means is that if we are going to die, what we perceive to be life on this Earth is not life at all, it has to be defined as something else. The logical conclusion suggests that Earth is a place where those who are going to possess life and all its fullness are sorted from those who are going to know only death. If death means we cease to exist then there is nothing to fear. 

The problem with this assumption is two-fold.  

If we are born just to die, then there is no meaning to life and existence.
However, if there is meaning and life means no death, then this suggests another existence  once we leave our biological bodies. 

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