Sunday, June 23, 2024

Many Australian men are seeking love from overseas women and are scammed out of their life savings. Here is some great advice from an attempt to scam Happy Riches.

Happy Riches was contacted by a Filipina Angelle (pronounced, “Angel”) Gonzalez two weeks before Easter. She told him that she liked him and would like to visit him. She had no money, of course, and was at the end of her nursing contract. Before entering her next contract, she said she would like to come to Perth and have a holiday. Only she did not have the money, but she did have a current passport and a visa would be no problem for her because she holds a master’s degree in nursing.
Happy says he detected a sting, having been involved in an attempt to set him as a mule to transfer funds overseas that were deposited into his bank account. Information provided by Happy helped authorities break a $30 million bankcard fraud in November, 2012.
 This current sting was the usual set up that occurs when overseas grifters set up a mark.
First Angelle claims she is interested in his personality. She sets up phone calls and seeks information about her mark. Then sends photos of herself at different locations. Sends a letter expressing how depressing her life is without someone to love and take care of, and someone who would love her. Angelle then tells her mark how she has just come to the end of her nursing contract and will be off for a month or until she can get a new contract for five years. While she has the month off she would love to visit her mark but has not got the money. She hopes that she would be able to sleep with him to see if the chemistry is right. Just to show that she is an honest and reputable girl she emails copies of her passport and a police clearance stating she does not have a derogatory record. Now if only she had the $150 to get her visa and medical for immigration purposes. Angelle provides a dodgy receipt from Australia Post for her visa from the immigration dept.
The mark forks out the $150 sending it by Western Union, as it is faster than bank transfer and can be  done in minutes and there is not much time to waste as she needs to get everything done by Wednesday 12 noon if she is to get the cheap airline ticket. All she now needs is the $750 for the tickets. The mark usually obliges, but Happy, for fun, says that he will go you halves and tells her how generous he has been in the past and about how the girl in Azerbaijan is spending time in jail for trying to con him. Angelle, has only eyes on the money. Happy sends her $400. Angelle contacts him saying she cannot raise the other $350. After four hours, with phone calls between them and other matters, Angelle claims she is $50 short and cannot come over if she doesn’t get the money, even though she has put the rest on deposit on the ticket. Happy decides to send her $200 more to pay for incidental expenses airport taxes and a bite to eat and drink for the trip. More alarm bells ring when Happy is provided with dodgy receipt for an airline ticket and copies of tickets with incorrect dates from Brunei Airline that does not fly to Perth. Happy points this out.
On Good Friday, Angelle provides two more copies of dodgy airline tickets with incorrect dates, and insists that she needs $1000 for show money, so immigration will permit her to leave the Philippines. While Happy is speaking to Angelle on skype, he receives a phone call from a man claiming to be from the Immigration Dept, but the call drops out. Then Angelle provides a mobile number for the Immigration Dept., to confirm that she need to show the $1000.
Happy went as far as he was prepared to go. He had sufficient details to send to authorities for fraud, impersonation of immigration officials, and forgery. However, the next step would have been I have lost the money and need another $1000 or I have lost both the traveler's cheque and tickets and missed the plane. Now I will need to do it all again, and because my visa to depart was only until Easter Sunday the 20th and the ticket was non-fundable, I cannot get a refund. If you want me to come over, you will have to help me. I will need another two grand.
People like Angelle Gonzalez (if that is really her name) see nothing wrong in scamming old men out of their life's savings.


The woman makes contact through a dating agency, or claims she found your name at a dating agency and she is seeking marriage. Emails are sent to unsuspecting victims and a case is presented to capture a person’s curiosity in the hope of a reply. The people who lose the most are older men who are lonely and vulnerable to solicitation.

Typically, the vixen will be from a third world country or ex-communist country, but there are the exceptions. Naturally, the woman is looking for help. She appeals to her victim’s sense of compassion. She suffers from a lack of resources that are always  Financial, but are the result of a lack of education due to:
  • Childhood poverty
  • Broken family
  • Abusive parents
  • Alcoholic or drug addicted parents
  • Death of father or mother, or both parents
An aborted education due to:
  • Illness
  • Illness of parents
  • Death of parents
  • Having to look after younger siblings
  • Insufficient money
  • Persecution because of race or religion or culture.
Being a woman seeking a man, she will naturally appeal to his sexual desires.
Explicit sexual pornography is not a part of this deal. The woman is after money, without being a common prostitute. She is suggestive of:
  • Romance
  • Intimacy
  • Life-long relationship

And she will always tell of a relationship that she feels she has to confess of when she had this boyfriend who was cruel to her and someone to whom she could not say no, but who has now left the country, is in jail, or is died in an accident.

She obtains finance from her mark by:
  • Claiming lost birth certificate
  • Need for registration of new identity documents
  • Costs of obtaining passport and visa
  • Cost of airline ticket which has to be a return ticket
  • Airport costs
  • Travel costs to airport
  • Traveler’s check for living expenses to be provided on departure to demonstrate she has the capacity to pay for living expenses and is not thought to be a prostitute or do something immoral or illegal
  • Delays and the unexpected expenses
  • Stolen tickets, passports and money that has to be replaced.

And of course there is always a sense of urgency because she only has a week or two take this window of opportunity and be with her mark.

When the scam is done well, the process cleans some men out of their life savings.

In most cases authorities are helpless to anything, but at least there is always the memory of what could have been.

Nothing left but one sofa and the memory of the pain.