Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The 10 Leading Theories For Dead Birds And Fish

As the mainstream media attempts to downplay the latest die-off event, which has now gone global, it is worthwhile to keep track of the story lines.  Feel free to add your own to the comments section, and we will update accordingly. 

Mainstream Explanations: Lightning, hail, mid-air collision, power lines, and New Year fireworks for the birds . . . but disease for the fish.  This is even rolling eyes in the mainstream media.  Birds are incredibly sensitive to their environment (think Canary in the coal mine), and the thought that they were caught by surprise, or that they "fowled" up their flight pattern is patently ridiculous.  And where are the roasted birds from this lightning strike?  And what about fish dying in the same region?  Just a "disease" coincidence.  One mainstream headline has to be enshrined as the saddest attempt at sensationalism, while revealing an obvious natural conclusion Falling Birds Likely Died From Massive Trauma.  Really?

Meteor showers: We are in a period of intense seasonal meteor showers, and several perennial YouTubers reported hearing sonic booms in the area that could have indicated a local shock wave.  This would be one non-conspiratorial, natural cause that actually makes sense, but it is hard to connect to both birds and fish, unless it produced a disabling frequency.  There were indeed other sound anomalies according to the report highlighted above.  

New Madrid Fault Line:  An excellent article by The American Dream collated data about the recent earthquake activity along this fault line that runs along the mid-eastern section of the U.S.  Combined with gas fracking, the immense geological activity in the region, and the BP oil drilling disaster, which off-gassed the dispersant, Corexit, into the atmosphere, and we should be wondering about any mass deaths in the region.  Nevertheless, this has turned into a global event, so the above could be a side effect of something larger, or a direct contributing factor. 

Government testing: The long history of government testing has been exposed by many researchers.  The strange component to this die-off is that only certain species have been affected, but within the entire region.  And some reports have indicated that the organs of these birds were liquefied, which could indicate a possible virus. Could this implicate species-specific bio-weapons? It is on record that discussions have taken place about race-specific bio-weapons; perhaps this is a test of delivery capability?

 GMO mutation: Mike Adams of Natural News sets forth an interesting theory: this latest event is local, but the die-offs are happening across species as bee populations and bats are also declining.  Adams points out that Monsanto has a corporate office in Arkansas.  Just wondering.

Geoengineering: Could spraying in the area have caused this type of fallout?  Perhaps something new added to the mixture? Chemtrails have quickly moved from conspiracy theory to documented fact.  So much so, that the powers-that-be have had to admit to the program, but a beneficial one in their view.  Between cloud seeding and possible connections to HAARP, chemtrail fallout must be considered, especially as it is being conducted nearly worldwide.  Rosalind Peterson has been at the forefront of connecting geoengineering to GMOs as a combined source for oxygen-depleting algae blooms that very well could affect a wide spectrum of natural systems. Furthermore, some believe that the delivery system for chemtrails can also disperse pathogens.  If there is a flu or disease outbreak in the coming days or weeks among the human population in areas where the birds have fallen, the chemtrail connection could be made.  If this happens, the contagion could be blamed on a new, deadly bird flu.  A last possibility connected to chemtrails would be nanoparticles.

HAARP: Birds and fish can be susceptible to subtle frequency alteration.  An interesting YouTube post from a long-time fisherman mentioned the "pearl" plate behind the eye of the affected type of drum fish in this event.  He made a plea for anyone in the area to look for signs of damage to this plate.  Both birds and fish navigate in highly coordinated ways that indicate that they move and communicate via frequencies.  Could the HAARP array in Alaska have short-circuited their navigation systems?  Or, perhaps this is the beginning of a cascading effect from decades of electromagnetic pollution emanating from EMF and ELF waves shot around the planet via a wide range of modern communications.

Scalar Weapons:  These directed energy beam weapons can be deployed via satellite and create a wide range of "natural disasters" that can be tuned to certain frequencies.  Their radius is reported to be several miles.  Even crazier is that we have been told that the dead birds encountered massive trauma.  One of the reported abilities of scalar weapons is to create a Tesla shield of plasma, like a bubble, that could explode anything that enters its airspace.  Some have speculated that this technology is in full operation.  But what if it truly is still at the testing phase?  Remember, this is happening in South America, too.

Project Blue Beam: Were they testing a sound generator for the global theater of alien invasion?  This one is "out there" for sure, but NASA itself has announced its preparation for such a scenario. Project Blue Beam, like its counterpart HAARP, uses the natural energy present in the ionosphere as both a visual and acoustical device.  Again, perhaps they are not at the ready stage yet, but, like Tesla, have made an unintentional misstep.  

Geomagnetic and other Earth changes:  As anyone can see from the above range of possibilities, we are facing an array of human tampering.  However, the backdrop to this are the anomalies beginning to take form with the apparent wandering of our magnetic pole, as even National Geographic reported that the north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia.  Add to this a dwindling magnetosphere and falling oxygen levels, and the deaths among more delicate species might portend a larger problem.  Finally, an increase in sun activity and magnetic storms might be weakening our overall natural habitat. 

The widespread die-off of nature should lead us to look more intently at the world around us, and to question our relationship to it, and our effect upon it. Perhaps this is what we should have been doing all along.

* Zen Gardner is the Contributing Editor for Alternative News at Before It's News, and also posts at ZenGardner.com.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

10 Modern Methods of Mind Control

Nicholas West

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons.  For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small "elite" group.

Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological.  Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda.  More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

1. Education -- This is the most obvious, yet still remains the most insidious.  It has always been a would-be dictator's ultimate fantasy to "educate" naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history.  No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt -- one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

2. Advertising and Propaganda -- Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people's self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need.  This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example.  However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that "propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government." This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror.  The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement.  Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously.  When one becomes attuned to identifying the main "message," one will see this imprinting everywhere.  And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.

3. Predictive Programming -- Many still deny that predictive programming is real.  I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion.  Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed.  Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or "science fiction" and take a close look around at society today.  For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at "entertainment" in a completely different light.

4. Sports, Politics, Religion -- Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control.  The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer.  The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning.  Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential.  Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.

5. Food, Water, and Air -- Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy.  Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle.  Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness -- and acceptance -- of the dictatorial elite.  And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

6. Drugs -- This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something.  One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential.  This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World.  Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder -- particularly those who question authority.  The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides.  Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25% of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication.

7. Military testing -- The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control.  The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission.  For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA's plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

8. Electromagnetic spectrum  -- An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function.

In a tacit admission of what is possible, one researcher has been working with a "god helmet" to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain.

Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

9. Television, Computer, and "flicker rate"-- It's bad enough that what is "programmed" on your TV (accessed via remote "control") is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon.  Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis -- which doesn't portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by "flickering faster than the eye can see."  The computer's flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state.  A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control.  Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality.  One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

10. Nanobots -- From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way.  Direct brain modification already has been packaged as "neuroengineering." A  Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed "it could make someone happy with the press of a button."  Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule.  Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival?  Early 2020s.

A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why Are Millions Of Fish Suddenly Dying In Mass Death Events All Over The Planet?

Michael Snyder
Activist Post

Millions upon millions of fish are suddenly dying in mass death events all over the world, and nobody seems to know why it is happening.  In many of the news reports that are linked to below, locals are quoted as saying that they have never seen anything like this before.  So is there a connection between all of the fish deaths that are now occurring all over the planet?

If there is a connection, is there anything that we can do to stop the fish die-off?  Sadly, because the big mainstream news networks in the United States have been virtually silent about this phenomenon, most Americans have absolutely no idea that it is happening.  Millions of fish are dying in mass death events every single month and most of the public is totally clueless.

Please share the list posted below with as many people as you can.  This list was originally started by Frank DiMora, but I have edited it and expanded it.  If there were just three or four items on this list, you could dismiss these news stories as coincidences, but taken together this list really is quite startling…

-July 18, 2013: 20 acres of fish ponds full of dead fish in Shandong, China

-July 18, 2013: Hundreds of dead Stingrays wash ashore in Veracruz, Mexico

-July 18, 2013: 10,000 lbs of dead fish found in a lake in Nanjing, China

-July 18, 2013: Thousands of fish dead from “lack of rain” in Sugar Lake, Missouri

-July 18, 2013: Large numbers of fish washing up on the shores of Lake Michigan

-July 19, 2013: 2,000 dead fish found in a lake in Vollsmose, Denmark

-July 19, 2013: Hundreds of fish turning up dead in Holter Lake, Montana

-July 19, 2013: THOUSANDS OF TONS of fish have died in Lake Tondano, Indonesia

-July 20, 2013: 3,000 fish found dead in a creek in Madison County, Ohio

-July 21, 2013: Hundreds of fish found dead in a creek in Laille, France

-July 22, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish found in Lake George, Massachusetts

-July 22, 2013: Large fish kill at Grand Lake in St. Marys, Ohio

-July 23, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish in a park pond in Youngstown, Ohio

-July 24, 2013: Massive fish kill washes up in a lagoon in Venice, Italy

-July 24, 2013: Thousands of dead fish in Lake Bulwell causes shock in Nottingham, England

-July 24, 2013: 30,000 fish dying PER DAY in fish farms in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand

-July 24, 2013: Masses of dead fish found in River Lea in England

-July 24, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish found in Provo River, Utah

-July 25, 2013: Hundreds of fish found dead in a park pond in Birmingham, England

-July 26, 2013: Hundreds of thousands of fish dying from “red tide” in South Korea

-July 26, 2013: Thousands of dead fish found floating in River Dender, Ath, Belgium

-July 26, 2013: Mass fish die-off in a river in Moscow, Russia

-July 26, 2013: 25,000 dead fish “is a mystery” in Pittville Lake in Gloucestershire, England

-July 26, 2013: 20,000 fish die along a 5 mile stretch of river in Jiangshan, China

-July 27, 2013: 10,000 dead fish found in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania

-July 27, 2013: Mass death of fish “is a mystery” in a river in Skane, Sweden

-July 27, 2013: Large fish kill in the Bahlui river, “cause unknown” in Romania

-July 28, 2013: 1100 King Salmon found dead in a river in Petersburg, Alaska

-July 29, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore “due to pollution” on beach in Veracruz, Mexico

-July 29, 2013: 7 TONS of dead fish recovered from the Keelung river in Taiwan

-July 29, 2013: Thousands of fish die “due to heat and storms” in Handsworth Park, Birmingham, England

-July 31, 2013: 3 TONS of fish die due to “lack of oxygen” in a river in Pilsen, Czech Republic

-August 2, 2013: Thousands of fish dying all over Alaska

-August 6, 2013: Up to 1000 lbs of dead fish washed ashore in Ylane, Finland

-August 6, 2013: 840 dead Salmon found in a creek in Port Coquitlam, Canada

-August 6, 2013: Hundreds of dead fish lining the shore of a pond in Toronto, Canada

-August 6, 2013: 100,000 fish die in the Arkansas River

-August 7, 2013: Thousands of dead fish found floating in a river in Hangzhou, China

-August 8, 2013: Tons of fish washed up on the shores of Karachi, Pakistan

-August 8, 2013: Tens of thousands of fish dying in lakes and rivers all over the U.K.

And remember, the list compiled above represents less than a one month period.  The truth is that we have been seeing massive fish die-offs all over the globe month after month.

So why is this happening?

Friday, August 9, 2013

Where People's Taxes Really Go In The USA

Aaron Russo starts out making a film about the tax department and uncovers something more sinister, something most people are not aware. Do you know where all the money is going and why?

Watch the film below and learn what is uncovered by one man. Aaron Russo is now dead, some believe he was poisoned because of his pursuit of producing this documentary. But YOU be the judge.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Top 10 Teas That Will Not Break Your Bank

Post Preview

The Top 10 Teas For Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet

July 30th 2013 05:34

by Daisy Luther

When you’re sick, little is more comforting than holding a steaming mug of fragrant tea in both hands, warming your face with the hot steam. Somehow, no matter how rotten you felt before, you instantly feel just a tiny bit better.

Whether you are lucky enough to grow your own tea herbs, you purchase loose teas, or you use tea bags, your cabinet is not complete without the following ingredients. These teas are delicious and beneficial, with many different healing qualities.

Considering that we most often turn to herbal teas for healing purposes, it’s especially important to purchase or grow organic herbs for this purpose. If your leaves are bathed in pesticide and then you add them to boiling water, instead of healing goodness, you are steeping toxins.

When making tea for medicinal purposes, be sure to steep the tea in a teapot with a lid, or to cover your mug while the herbs are steeping. This helps to make a more potent brew by keeping all of the healing oils in the tea, instead of allowing them to drift into the room. Most herbs should be steeped for about 10 minutes for maximum results.

There are many different herbs from around the world that have wonderful healing properties. I’ve concentrated this list on ones that can either be easily acquired and stored, or ones that can be easily grown in a backyard garden or a sunny window. Just like band-aids, antibiotic cream, or aspirin, these items are vital additions to your pantry, allowing you to dispense a hot, steaming, fragrant cup of nurturing in as little time as it takes you to boil water. Be prepared by keeping the following ingredients close at hand, and be self-sufficient by producing for yourself as many as possible (always the best way to make sure that the items were grown using safe, organic methods).

In no particular order…

1. Mint

Mint tea is the classic herbal tea. Mint is an ingredient in many different commercial tea blends and is much-loved for its refreshing fragrance.

Growing it:

Mint is an herb that doesn’t just grow easily – it can quickly overtake your garden! For this reason, it is recommended to grow mint in either a container or its own bed. There are many varieties of mint and the healing properties are similar. Whether you grow peppermint or spearmint, the active component is menthol.


If you suffer from acid reflux, mint tea may worsen your symptoms. Mint has antispasmodic properties

Mint tea can be used to:
Reduce congestion in a cold or flu sufferer
Reduce pain and bloating from gas
Reduce cramping from diarrhea
Act as a mild expectorant for a chest cold or bronchitis
Induce sweating, the body’s natural cooling mechanism. This is a natural way to reduce a fever
Relieve nausea without vomiting

2. Ginger

This homely root is an ingredient in many natural cough, cold, and nausea treatments. Instead of giving your child gingerale when they are suffering from an upset stomach (and all of the HFCS and artificial flavors that come in it) brew up a nice cup of ginger tea sweetened with honey for a real dose of soothing ginger!

Growing it:

Ginger is a tropical plant that is apparently not difficult to grow indoors. It requires excellent soil, warmth, humidity, and filtered sunlight.

You can learn how to grow ginger HERE.


It’s not recommended to exceed 4 grams of ginger per day – components in the herb can cause irritation of the mouth, heartburn and diarrhea if taken in excess.

Click HERE to find a recipe for a delicious honey-ginger cough syrup that can also be the basis for a night-time hot toddy.

Ginger tea can be used to:
Reduce nausea
Prevent or treat motion sickness
Warm the body of someone suffering from chills
Induce sweating to break a fever
Soothe a sore throat

3. Chamomile

Chamomile tea should be steeped a little longer than other herbal teas in order to get all of the medicinal benefits. This soothing, slightly apple-flavored tea has mild sedative properties. The petals of the tiny flowers are where the medicinal values lie.

Growing it:

Chamomile is easy to grow from seeds. Start them in the late winter and transfer outdoors when the risk of frost has passed. Once the plants are well established, chamomile can thrive with little water during hot weather. When buying your seeds, note that German chamomile is an annual and Roman chamomile is a perennial.


Chamomile tea should be avoided by people who take blood thinners. As well, those who suffer from ragweed allergies may also have an allergic reaction to chamomile, as the two plants are related.

Chamomile tea can be used to:
Relieve anxiety
Induce sleep
Soothe mild nausea and indigestion
Relieve a cough from throat irritation

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon doesn’t just smell like a holiday in a cup, it is anti-bacterial, antiviral, and antifungal, making it an excellent all-around remedy for whatever ails you. Cinnamon is a wonderful source of immune-boosting antioxidants.

Growing it:

Cinnamon is the fragrant bark of a tropical evergreen tree. This article from Mother Earth Living says that the trees are surprisingly easy to grow indoors in large pots.

Try this delicious winter beverage:
1-1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder or a cinnamon stick
1 tea bag
honey to taste
Milk to taste
Stir cinnamon powder well into boiling water and steep for 8 minutes. Add a tea bag and steep for 2 more minutes. Stir in honey and warm milk.

Cinnamon tea can be used to:
Encrease blood flow and improve circulation
Reduce nausea
Ease stomach discomfort, bloating, gas and indigestion
Warm the body of someone suffering from chills
Soothe a sore throat
Reduce cold symptoms

5. Lemongrass

Lemongrass is another herb that is loaded with healing properties. The spiky, easy-to-grow plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antifungal properties, making it helpful in treating a plethora of ailments.

Growing it:

You can actually root the lemongrass that you buy at the grocery store to start your own patio lemongrass farm. It grows beautifully in a large pot, making it a good herb for the apartment windowsill farmer to cultivate. It can be grown year-round indoors. Check out this article for more information.

Lemongrass tea can help to:
Aid in digestion
Calm nervous disorders and anxiety
Aid in the treatment of high blood pressure if a daily cup is enjoyed
Dilate blood vessels and improve circulation
Act as a mild diuretic to reduce fluid retention

6. Echinacea

This lovely flowering plant is probably the pinnacle of herbal preventatives. Echinacea is not only anti-bacterial – but it stimulates the body’s immune system to fight off bacterial and viral attacks. The medicinal properties are in the leaves and the purple flowers.

Growing it:

Echinacea is also known as the “purple coneflower”. The plant has deep taproots and is somewhat drought resistant. It is a perennial. Sow seeds outdoors in the early spring before the last frost. These plants like full sun and they don’t like too much moisture.

Echinacea tea can help to:
Enhance the immune system
Relieve pain
Reduce inflammation
Provide antioxidant effects
Shorten illness time for sufferers of the common cold

7. Rosehips

Rosehips make a tart, tangy pink-colored tea. They are the seed-filled pod at the base of a rose blossom, giving you a practical reason to have more rose bushes in your garden. It mixes well and enhances the flavor of any berry or fruit-flavored tea.

Rosehips tea can help to:
Provide a nutritional supplement of Vitamin C
Improve adrenal function
Boost the immune system
Provide minerals such as calcium, iron, silicon, selenium, natural sodium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and zinc
Increase energy
Heal tissues and cells

8. Blackberry leaf

Dried blackberry leaves give a luscious fruity flavor when steeped in boiling water. Not only are they the basis of many delicious teas, they are loaded with a beneficial component called tannins. (Bonus tip: add a blackberry leaf to a jar of pickles when canning – the tannin helps to keep the pickles crisp.)


Excess consumption of blackberry leaves (or anything containing tannins) can cause liver damage.

Blackberry leaf tea can help to:
Provide vitamin C
Treat diarrhea
Reduce pain and inflammation from sore throats
Provide an antibacterial effect against H pylori, the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers
Provide immune-boosting antioxidants
Provide high levels of salicylic acid, which gives them similar properties to aspirin, such as pain relief and fever relief
Reduce inflammation of the gums

9. Clove

Cloves are a wonderful addition to herbal tea just for the taste. Not only is the flavor delicious, but cloves have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. The multipurpose little seed packs a mighty punch with its antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Growing it:

Cloves are the dried buds of a flowering evergreen tree that is native to Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. They are generally imported and, unfortunately, are not easy to cultivate in other climates or greenhouse atmospheres.


In high amounts cloves can cause liver damage, blood in the urine, diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness.

Clove tea can help to:
Provide pain relief – it is a powerful analgesic
Break up mucous and work as an expectorant
Provide a fragrant decongestant in a steaming cup of tea
Treat strep throat or tonsillitis – it relieves pain and provides a wash of antiviral and antibacterial components

10. Lemon Balm

Lemon balm, also known as Bee Balm, was first recorded to have been used by the ancient Greeks as an overall tonic for good health. It is an ingredient in the old world Carmelite water, a recipe created by Carmelite nuns in the early 1600s to treat headaches. (The traditional mixture also contained coriander, lemon-peel, nutmeg, and angelica root.)

Growing it:

Lemon balm is easy to grow and produces throughout the summer. The more you harvest, the more it produces. It is perennial in warmer climates. Lemon balm like rich moist soil with organic compost and partial shade in the hottest part of the day. It is another one of those herbs that can take over a garden, so plant it in a confined area.

Lemon balm tea can help to:
Fight off viruses – it was used historically against shingles, mumps, and cold sores
Calm anxiety and nervousness
Aid in sleep
Aid the digestive system by reducing spasms and quelling heartburn
Reduce nausea
What do you keep in your herbal medicine cabinet? Why is it an important natural remedy for you? Please share in the comments section below!

Daisy Luther is a freelance writer and editor. Her website, The Organic Prepper, offers information on healthy prepping, including premium nutritional choices, general wellness and non-tech solutions.