Sunday, June 21, 2015

Ten Reasons To Invest In Luxembourg

From the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
International studies on the competitiveness of countries consistently rank Luxembourg among the first. What are the advantages that can incite investors to choose the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as a competitive alternative in Europe? Here are ten!

1) Advantageous geographical location in Europe

Strategically located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is a nearby destination and easily accessible. Connected to the rest of Europe thanks to an excellent network of highways, an international airport and good rail connections (i.e. TGV from Paris), the Grand Duchy is close to its European neighbours.

2) Open and safe country

The safety of persons and property in the Grand Duchy are also significant advantages. The Mercer study on quality of life regularly mentions Luxembourg City as one of the safest capitals in the world.

3) Great political and social stability

The political environment of Luxembourg is characterised by stable governments. In addition, the Grand Duchy is a country where negotiation and dialogue are the basis for social peace comprising social progress, social justice and respect for work.

4) Easy communication with public authorities

In a small-sized country, there are fewer bureaucratic hurdles. Reduced structures in the public institutions can shorten administrative procedures (fewer steps to take).

5) A business-friendly regulatory framework

Luxembourg is characterised by a high degree of adaptability to economic change with a highly flexible and responsive government and a business-orientated regulatory framework.

6) A competitive tax environment

Liberal economic policies pursued by successive governments have contributed to the creation of a predictable tax environment particularly favourable to investment. Luxembourg has signed numerous agreements to avoid double taxation, which are useful for all companies operating in the country. Luxembourg has always applied the lowest tax rates in the eurozone: 3%, 8%, 14% and 17%.

 7) A highly skilled and multilingual international workforce

Residents from more than 170 countries are living in the Grand Duchy. Over time, these different cultures have strongly influenced the country. In the same way, Luxembourg has always been marked by its location halfway between the Latin and Germanic cultures. These diverse influences are found at all levels: culture, art, gastronomy, sport ... Moreover, the majority of Luxembourgers speak at least three languages, which is a clear advantage over other countries.

8) Excellent infrastructures

The Grand Duchy has excellent infrastructures on every level, whether in terms of basic infrastructure (transport, hosting structures, development areas...) or in terms of information and communication technology (information highways, data storage centres...)

9) Investment and RDI incentives

New instruments for investment aid and the new legislative framework to support research and innovation (Law of June 5, 2009) help to stimulate R&D activities within companies, regardless of their size and sector.

10) A high quality of life

According to several large international studies, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a country with a very high quality of life.

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